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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Things to Do’s and Don’ts

Things to Do’s and Don’ts

In our daily life we have to follow some habits to lead a life with peaceful mind and healthy body. The following Things to Do’s and Don’ts are given a famous ‘Siddha’ named “THERAIYAR”.

1. Daily eat milky foods.
2. Take oil bath with hot water.
3. Don’t sleep at day time. Have a sound sleep at night.
4. Avoid roaming at the time of sunrise.
5. Don’t control stool and urine.
6. Don’t sleep at right hand side.
7. Avoid eating previous day food.
8. Eat when u are hungry and don’t eat when u are not hungry. Its not
necessary to have food at regular intervals.
9. Its enough to have food full stomach twice a day.
10. Don’t drink water in the middle while eating.
11. Don’t sit after taking your food, walk for few minutes.
12. If possible take one vomit tablet once in a six months and
a diarrhea tablet once in four months.
13. Don’t smell the fragrance of flowers at night time.
14. Don’t inhale the dust during cleaning the floor.
15. Don’t do the following during the sunset (at evening)
(i) Sleeeping
(ii) Eating
(iii) Any sexual activities
(iv) Dirty / Ugly dressings
(v) Combing.
16. Give respect to your guru, well wisher and
pray for them always.
17. Shave once in a week.
18. Have sex once in a month to get a healthy baby.
19. Don’t have sex in empty stomach (hungry) / with full stomach (heavy
20. Don’t have sex at day time.
21. Don’t have sex with call girls / with elder ones.
22. Take sour curd daily with great interest.

Life is gift of god for us .so don’t waste each and every
moment. For long life and to enjoy life follow the above quotes. All the above
statements have valid scientific reasons.
Any clarifications / explanation / regarding the above Do’s and Don’ts
mail me : with your feedback

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