Vegetable | Amount | Minerals Contained (in descending order) | Vitamins Contained (in descending order) |
| | | |
Artichoke  | One medium cooked with no added salt has 4.2 grams protein and 6.5 grams of fiber. | Potassium - 425 mg Phosphorus - 103 mg Magnesium - 72 mg Calcium - 54 mg Also contains small amounts of selenium, iron, manganese, copper and zinc. | Vitamin C - 12 mg Niacin - 1.2 mg Pantothenic Acid - .5 mg Folate - 61.2 mcg Vitamin A - 212 IU Contains some other vitamins in small amounts. |
| | | |
Asparagus | Half cup (about 4 spears) cooked with no added salt contains over 2 grams of protein and almost 1.5 grams of fiber. | Potassium - 144 mg Phosphorus - 48.5 mg Calcium - 18 mg Sodium - 10 mg Magnesium - 9 mg Also contains small amounts of selenium, iron, manganese, copper and zinc. | Vitamin A - 485 IU Vitamin C - 9.7 mg Niacin - .974 mg Folate - 131 mcg Contains some other vitamins in small amounts. |
Avocado | Strictly speaking, an Avocado is a fruit - see the fruit chart |
Broccoli | Half cup cooked with no added salt contains 2.3 grams protein and 2.3 grams fiber. | Potassium - 228 mg Phosphorus - 46 mg Calcium - 36 mg Sodium - 28 mg Magnesium - 18.7 mg Iron - .65 mg Vitamin K - 110 mcg Also contains small amounts of selenium, manganese, copper and zinc. | Vitamin A - 1083 IU Vitamin C - 58 mg Niacin - .45 mg Pantothenic Acid - .4 mg Folate - 39 mcg Contains some other vitamins in small amounts. |
Carrots | Half cup cooked with no added salt contains .85 grams protein and 2.6 grams fiber. | Potassium - 177 mg Sodium - 51.5 mg Calcium - 24 mg Phosphorus - 23.4 mg Magnesium - 10 mg Iron - .48 mg Also contains small amounts of selenium, manganese, copper and zinc. | Vitamin A - 19,152 IU Vitamin C - 1.8 mg Niacin - .4 mg Folate - 11 mcg Pantothenic Acid - .2 mg Vitamin B6 - .2 mg Contains some other vitamins in small amounts. |
Cauliflower  | Half cup cooked with no added salt contains 1.1 grams protein and 1.7 grams fiber. | Potassium - 88 mg Phosphorus - 19.8 mg Calcium - 9.9 mg Sodium - 9.3 mg Magnesium - 5.6 mg Also contains small amounts of selenium, iron, manganese, copper and zinc. | Vitamin C - 27.5 mg Vitamin A - 1.5 IU Pantothenic Acid - .3 mg Contains some other vitamins in small amounts. |
Corn | One ear, cooked with no salt contains 2.6 grams protein and 2.1 grams fiber. | Potassium - 191.7 mg Phosphorus - 79.3 mg Magnesium - 24.6 mg Sodium - 13 mg Calcium - 1.5 mg selenium - .6 mg Iron - .5 mg Zinc - .4 mg Also contains small amounts of manganese and copper. | Vitamin C - 4.8 mg Vitamin A - 167 IU Niacin - 1.2 mg Folate - 27.3 mcg Pantothenic Acid - .68 mg Contains some other vitamins in small amounts. |
Cucumber | Half a cup of sliced cucumber with skins contains .36 grams protein and .42 grams fiber. | Potassium - 74.9 mg Phosphorus - 1.4 mg Magnesium - 5.7 mg Sodium - 1 mg Calcium - 7.3 mg Also contains small amounts of selenium, iron, manganese, copper and zinc. | Vitamin C - 2.6 mg Vitamin A - 111.8 IU Contains some other vitamins in small amounts. |
Green Pepper | One small raw pepper contains .66 grams protein and 1.3 grams fiber. | Potassium - 131 mg Phosphorus - 14 mg Magnesium - 7.4mg Calcium - 6.7 mg Sodium - 1.48 mg Also contains small amounts of selenium, iron, manganese, copper and zinc. | Vitamin A - 467.7i u Vitamin C - 66 mg Niacin - .4 mg Folate - 6.8 mcg Contains some other vitamins in small amounts. |
Kale | One cup of cooked kale with no added salt contains 2.5 grams protein and 2.6 grams fiber. | Potassium - 296.4 mg Phosphorus - 36.4 mg Magnesium - 23.4 mg Calcium - 32 mg Sodium - 29.9 mg Iron - 1.2 mg Manganese - .5 mg Selenium - 1.2 mg Vitamin K - 1062 mcg Also contains small amounts of copper and zinc. | Vitamin A - 9,620 IU Vitamin C - 53.3 mg Niacin - .6 mg Folate - 17 mcg Contains some other vitamins in small amounts. |
Lima Beans | One cup of cooked large lima beans with no added salt contains 14.7 grams protein and 13.2 grams fiber. | Potassium - 955 mg Phosphorus - 208.7 mg Magnesium - 8.8 mg Calcium - 32 mg Selenium - 8.5 mg Iron - 4.5 mg Sodium - 3.8 mg Zinc - 1.8 mg Manganese - .8 mg copper - .44 mg | Pantothenic Acid - .8 mg Niacin - .8 mg Folate - 156 mcg Contains some other vitamins in small amounts. |
Mushroom | Half a cup of raw mushrooms contains 1.0 grams of protein and .42 grams of fiber. | Potassium - 129.5 mg Phosphorus - 36.4 mg Magnesium - 3.5 mg Selenium - 3 mg Calcium - 1.8 mg Sodium - 1.4 mg Iron - .36 mg Also contains small amounts of manganese, copper and zinc. | Vitamin D - 26.6 IU Niacin - 1.4 mg Vitamin C - .8 mg Pantothenic Acid - .5 mg Contains some other vitamins in small amounts. |
Onions | One small onion cooked without salt contains .8 grams protein and 1.3 grams of fiber. | Potassium - 110 mg Phosphorus - 23.1 mg Calcium - 14 mg Magnesium - 7 mg Sodium - 2.1 mg Selenium - .42 mg Also contains small amounts of iron, manganese, copper and zinc. | Vitamin C - 4.5 mg Folate - 9 mcg Contains some other vitamins in small amounts. |
Peas | One cup of boiled peas with no salt added contains 8.58 grams of protein and 8.8 grams of fiber. | Potassium - 433.6 mg Phosphorus - 187.2 mg Magnesium - 62.4 mg Calcium - 43.2 mg Sodium - 4.8 mg Selenium - 3.0 mg Iron - 2.5 mg Zinc - 1.9 mg Manganese - .8 mg Also contains small amount of copper. | Vitamin A - 955.2iu Vitamin C - 22.72 mg Niacin - 3.23 mg Folate - 100.8 mcg Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - .41 mg Vitamin B6 - .35 mg Contains some other vitamins in small amounts. |
Potatoes | One medium baked potato without salt contains 3.0 grams of protein and 2.3 grams of fiber. | Potassium - 610 mg Phosphorus - 78 mg Magnesium - 39 mg Calcium - 7.8 mg Sodium - 7.8 mg Iron - .55 mg Selenium - .46 mg Zinc - .45 mg Also contains small amounts of manganese and copper. | Vitamin C - 20 mg Niacin - 2.18 mg Pantothenic Acid - .9 mg Vitamin B6 - .5 mg Folate - 14 mcg Contains some other vitamins in small amounts. |
Spinach | One cup of raw spinach contains .86 grams of protein and .81 grams of fiber. | Potassium - 167.4 mg Phosphorus - 14.7 mg Magnesium - 23.7 mg Calcium - 29.7 mg Sodium - 23.7 mg Iron - .81 mg Selenium - .3 mg - Vitamin K - 145 mcg Also contains small amounts of manganese, copper and zinc. | Vitamin A - 2014.5 mg Vitamin C - 8.43 mg Folate - 58.2 mcg Contains some other vitamins in small amounts. |
Squash, Summer | One cup of sliced summer squash, baked with no added salt contains 1.65 grams of protein and 2.5 grams of fiber. | Potassium - 345.6 mg Phosphorus - 7.2 mg Magnesium - 43.2 mg Calcium - 48.6 mg Sodium - 1.8 mg Iron - .65 mg Manganese - .38 mg Selenium - .36 mg Zinc - .7 mg Also contains small amount of copper. | Vitamin A - 516.6 mg Vitamin C - 9.9 mg Niacin - .92 mg Folate - 36 mcg Contains some other vitamins in small amounts. |
Squash, Winter | One cup of cubed winter squash, baked with no added salt contains 1.02 grams of protein and 2.07 grams of fiber. | Potassium - 181.3 mg Phosphorus - 21.7 mg Magnesium - 17.0 mg Calcium - 32.5 mg Sodium - 27.9 mg Iron - .52 mg Selenium - .46 mg Also contains small amounts of manganese, copper and zinc. | Vitamin A - 17.5 mg Vitamin C - 5.4 mg Niacin - 1.25 mg Folate - 57.4 mcg Pantothenic Acid - .55 mg Contains some other vitamins in small amounts. |
Sweet Potatoes | One medium sweet potato baked in its skin contains 1.96 grams of protein and 3.42 grams of fiber. | Potassium - 273 mg Phosphorus - 29.5 mg Magnesium - 13.5 mg Calcium - 6.2 mg Sodium - 11.0 mg Iron - .55 mg Selenium - .5 mg Manganese - .6 mg Zinc - .3 mg Also contains small amount of copper. | Vitamin A - 24,877 mg Vitamin C - 28.0 mg Pantothenic Acid - .74 mg Niacin - .69 mg Folate - 26.2 mcg Contains some other vitamins in small amounts. |
Tomatoes - See fruit chart. | | | |
Zucchini - See Summer Squash. | | | |
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